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Produkte zum Begriff Relationships:

  • Brilliant Relationships
    Brilliant Relationships

    Your inspirational guide to relationship success, providing all the essential tools to ensure you have happy and healthy relationships. From establishing positive personal beliefs and expectations right through to creating and sustaining healthy and happy relationships, you will discover how to attract the perfect partner and feel completely fulfilled in your relationships. BRILLIANT OUTCOMES:- Improve or transform existing relationships- Find out how to attract the perfect partner- Understand why we repeat negative patterns and change these for good.

    Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Adolescent, The: Development, Relationships, and Culture
    Adolescent, The: Development, Relationships, and Culture

    For undergraduate courses in Adolescence and Adolescent Development   The Adolescent: Development, Relationships and Culture offers an eclectic, interdisciplinary approach to the study of adolescence, presenting both psychological and sociological viewpoints as well as educational, demographic, and economic data. This text discusses not just one theory on the subject, but many, and outlines the contributions, strengths, and weaknesses of each. The authors also take into consideration current and important topics such as ethnic identity formation, gender issues, the Internet, effects of single-parent families, etc. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Winning Together: The Secrets of Working Relationships
    Winning Together: The Secrets of Working Relationships

    The key to career success and job satisfaction are effective working relationships. This book will help you to understand why relationships matter so much, what is happening when they go wrong and the different skills you need in different working environments. It will provide you with the tools and techniques required to make your relationships great, whether you are working in an office, working virtually, or blending both.

    Preis: 17.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Winning Together: The secrets of better working relationships
    Winning Together: The secrets of better working relationships

    The key to career success and job satisfaction are effective working relationships. This book will help you to understand why relationships matter so much, what is happening when they go wrong and the different skills you need in different working environments. It will provide you with the tools and techniques required to make your relationships great, whether you are working in an office, working virtually, or blending both.

    Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche Rolle spielt die Ernährung bei der Gesundheit und Fitness?

    Die Ernährung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Gesundheit und Fitness, da sie den Körper mit wichtigen Nährstoffen versorgt, die für die Funktionen des Körpers benötigt werden. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung kann das Immunsystem stärken, das Risiko für Krankheiten verringern und die Leistungsfähigkeit steigern. Eine gesunde Ernährung in Kombination mit regelmäßiger Bewegung ist entscheidend für ein gesundes und fitnesstes Lebensstil.

  • Ist Fitness Sport?

    Ist Fitness Sport? Diese Frage kann unterschiedlich beantwortet werden, da Fitness sowohl als Sportart als auch als Trainingsmethode betrachtet werden kann. Fitness beinhaltet körperliche Aktivitäten, die darauf abzielen, die körperliche Gesundheit und Fitness zu verbessern. Viele Menschen betrachten Fitness als Sport, da es körperliche Anstrengung erfordert und oft in Form von Gruppenkursen oder Wettkämpfen ausgeübt wird. Andererseits sehen einige Fitness eher als eine Trainingsmethode, um die körperliche Gesundheit zu verbessern, ohne notwendigerweise als Sport betrieben zu werden. Letztendlich hängt die Definition davon ab, wie man den Begriff "Sport" interpretiert und ob man Fitness als Wettkampf oder als persönliche Gesundheitsförderung betrachtet.

  • Welcher Sport zur Entspannung?

    Welcher Sport zur Entspannung? Diese Frage kann individuell unterschiedlich beantwortet werden, da jeder Mensch unterschiedliche Vorlieben und Bedürfnisse hat. Einige Menschen finden Yoga oder Pilates besonders entspannend, da diese Sportarten Körper und Geist in Einklang bringen. Andere bevorzugen vielleicht einen ruhigen Spaziergang in der Natur oder Schwimmen im Wasser, um Stress abzubauen. Auch das Radfahren oder Joggen kann für manche Menschen eine entspannende Wirkung haben, da sie dabei abschalten und den Kopf frei bekommen. Letztendlich ist es wichtig, den Sport zu wählen, der einem persönlich am besten dabei hilft, zur Ruhe zu kommen und zu entspannen.

  • Wie können Senioren durch regelmäßigen Sport ihre Gesundheit und Fitness verbessern?

    Senioren können durch regelmäßigen Sport ihre Muskeln stärken, ihre Ausdauer verbessern und ihr Gleichgewicht trainieren. Dies kann dazu beitragen, das Risiko von Stürzen und Verletzungen zu reduzieren. Zudem kann Sport auch die kognitiven Fähigkeiten und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden steigern.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Relationships:

  • Winning Together: The secrets of better working relationships
    Winning Together: The secrets of better working relationships

    The key to career success and job satisfaction are effective working relationships. This book will help you to understand why relationships matter so much, what is happening when they go wrong and the different skills you need in different working environments. It will provide you with the tools and techniques required to make your relationships great, whether you are working in an office, working virtually, or blending both.

    Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Iwai, Toshinori: The Psychology of Personal Growth and Better Relationships
    Iwai, Toshinori: The Psychology of Personal Growth and Better Relationships

    The Psychology of Personal Growth and Better Relationships , LEARN SKILLS THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME WITH MANGA FOR SUCCESS! Do you want to get along better with people? Overcome negative thought patterns that are holding you back? Or are you looking for a basic understanding of the popular ideas of Adlerian psychology? Whatever your reason for picking up this book, The Psychology of Personal Growth and Better Relationships: Manga For Success makes psychology concepts easy to understand using practical examples and situations. You'll read about: * Self-determination and self-encouragement * Dealing with emotions in interpersonal relationships * Having courage during difficult conversations The story follows Yukari, a 28-year-old area manager of a bakery chain who finds her career gridlocked by frustration and adversarial relationships. Luckily for her, Adler's Ghost appears to teach her how to turn the situation around. As her communication improves, she builds relationships of trust, and her career begins to move forward smoothly. Applicable in both business and personal life, this book has the potential to change your life for the better--and you'll have fun reading it. Find out why the Manga For Success series--now available in English for the first time--is so popular in Japan, Korea, and beyond. , >

    Preis: 20.02 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Intelligent Mentoring: How IBM Creates Value through People, Knowledge, and Relationships
    Intelligent Mentoring: How IBM Creates Value through People, Knowledge, and Relationships

    How to Use Mentoring to Drive Maximum Competitive AdvantageTechniques and lessons from IBM’s world-class mentoring programs—for every business and HR leader, strategist, Chief Learning Officer, consultant, trainer, and scholar   For today’s enterprises, few challenges are as daunting as preparing tomorrow’s leaders. Mentoring is one of the most powerful tools at their disposal. But not all mentoring programs are equally effective, and not all companies have learned how to sustain mentoring. One company has: IBM. Intelligent Mentoring reveals how IBM has done it–and offers specific guidance and best practices you can use to achieve equally powerful results. Intelligent Mentoring shows how IBM has fully integrated a diverse portfolio of formal mentoring initiatives into both talent development and innovation promotion. Whether you’re a business leader, strategist, Chief Learning Officer, training specialist, coach, or consultant, this book presents a state-of-the-art framework for making mentoring work. Drawing on IBM’s experience, the authors demonstrate how to build a diverse portfolio of effective mentoring programs...use mentoring to strengthen organizational sustainable communities of mentors and mentees...promote collaboration across differences... and above all, link mentoring to strategy and use it to sustain competitive advantage.   •  Use mentoring to develop tomorrow’s world-class business leaders Actionable solutions and best practices from IBM’s breakthrough mentoring program • Embrace mentoring as a high-performance work practiceMaximizing, capturing, and communicating the value-added impact of mentoring • Set the right goals for mentoring: then achieve themUtilize mentoring to strengthen organizational learning, improve retention, promote innovation, and more • Use mentoring to solve your organization’s most “wicked” problems How mentoring can help you respond to complex, tangled challenges you’ve never faced before

    Preis: 11.76 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Intelligent Mentoring: How IBM Creates Value through People, Knowledge, and Relationships
    Intelligent Mentoring: How IBM Creates Value through People, Knowledge, and Relationships

    How to Use Mentoring to Drive Maximum Competitive AdvantageTechniques and lessons from IBM’s world-class mentoring programs—for every business and HR leader, strategist, Chief Learning Officer, consultant, trainer, and scholar   “A crucial part of my job is to help develop and retain the more than 200,000 members of IBM’s global technical community. Over the years, I have found that the true spirit of any organization is its people, and unique, world-class mentoring programs play a crucial role in their success. What I really like about Intelligent Mentoring is that it is not an academic treatise on the theory of mentoring, but a series of practical solutions that can be used by virtually any organization to gain productivity, increase retention, and improve bottom-line results.” —Nick Donofrio, Executive Vice President, Innovation and Technology, IBM Corporation   “We have known about the importance of mentoring in developing people for decades. Yet few organizations have successfully leveraged it as part of their HR strategy. IBM is one of those companies. Intelligent Mentoring is about more than the mentoring initiative successfully implemented at IBM. It is a guide for how companies can leverage mentoring in a way that aligns with company strategy and supports organizational and individual development. It is a must-read for any executive considering a mentoring initiative as part of the firm’s HR strategy. IBM’s mentoring effort combined the best of what we know from mentoring research, career development theory, and change management to create a highly successful effort. There is much here for practitioners and scholars to learn.” —David A. Thomas, Ph.D., Naylor Fitzhugh Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School   “Performance is the ultimate driver of this company. Even back in our earliest days, one of the keys to IBM’s greatness was performance, along with top-notch technology. Since arriving at IBM in 2000, my goal has been to identify, develop, train, reward, and retain high-performing people, and one of the best ways to support these high performers is through mentoring. I believe that Intelligent Mentoring has done a phenomenal job of capturing the innovative and varied mentoring initiatives that IBM has used over the years. The authors really take you inside the company and show how mentoring has helped IBM preserve its corporate culture by passing on knowledge, not only between generations, but in all directions throughout our global community. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to use the powerful tool of mentoring to its best and most productive advantage, and I recommend it highly.” —Randy MacDonald, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, IBM Corporation   For today’s enterprises, few challenges are as daunting as preparing tomorrow’s leaders. Mentoring is one of the most powerful tools at their disposal. But not all mentoring programs are equally effective, and not all companies have learned how to sustain mentoring. One company has: IBM. Intelligent Mentoring reveals how IBM has done it–and offers specific guidance and best practices you can use to achieve equally powerful results. Intelligent Mentoring shows how IBM has fully integrated a diverse portfolio of formal mentoring initiatives into both talent development and innovation promotion. Whether you’re a business leader, strategist, Chief Learning Officer, training specialist, coach, or consultant, this book presents a state-of-the-art framework for making mentoring work. Drawing on IBM’s experience, the authors demonstrate how to build a diverse portfolio of effective mentoring programs...use mentoring to strengthen organizational sustainable communities of mentors and mentees...promote collaboration across differences... and above all, link mentoring to strategy and use it to sustain competitive advantage.   •  Use mentoring to develop tomorrow’s world-class business leaders Actionable solutions and best practices from IBM’s breakthrough mentoring program • Embrace mentoring as a high-performance work practiceMaximizing, capturing, and communicating the value-added impact of mentoring • Set the right goals for mentoring: then achieve themUtilize mentoring to strengthen organizational learning, improve retention, promote innovation, and more • Use mentoring to solve your organization’s most “wicked” problems How mentoring can help you respond to complex, tangled challenges you’ve never faced before

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wii Sport Spiele Fitness

    Wii Fit PlusWii FitWii Fit UEA Sports ActiveMehr Ergebnisse

  • Ist Sport und Fitness?

    Ist Sport und Fitness? Diese Frage lässt sich nicht pauschal beantworten, da Sport und Fitness zwei verschiedene Konzepte sind. Sport bezieht sich in erster Linie auf körperliche Aktivitäten, die in Form von Wettkämpfen oder Spielen ausgeführt werden, während Fitness darauf abzielt, die körperliche Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit zu verbessern. Dennoch können Sport und Fitness eng miteinander verbunden sein, da regelmäßige sportliche Betätigung oft zu einer besseren Fitness führt. Letztendlich hängt es von der individuellen Definition und Zielsetzung ab, ob Sport und Fitness als dasselbe betrachtet werden können.

  • Ist Fitness bzw. Sport Sunnah?

    Fitness und Sport im Allgemeinen sind nicht explizit als Sunnah (empfohlene Handlungen) im Islam erwähnt. Allerdings wird körperliche Aktivität und Gesundheit im Islam als wichtig angesehen, da der Körper als Geschenk Gottes betrachtet wird und es eine Pflicht ist, ihn zu pflegen. Daher kann man argumentieren, dass Fitness und Sport im Einklang mit islamischen Werten stehen.

  • Wie kann ich meine Ernährung so gestalten, dass ich meine Gesundheit und Fitness verbessere?

    1. Achte auf eine ausgewogene Ernährung mit viel Obst, Gemüse, Vollkornprodukten und magerem Eiweiß. 2. Vermeide stark verarbeitete Lebensmittel, Zucker und gesättigte Fette. 3. Trinke ausreichend Wasser, treibe regelmäßig Sport und achte auf eine angemessene Portionsgröße.

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